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The Rose River Memorial team is deeply committed to sustainability in creating this artwork.
We’re doing all we can to minimize our carbon footprint and we welcome conversations about how to continually improve our ethical and sustainability impacts.

Choice of Materials

We have developed a rose design that uses felt and a small amount of glue. The design can also be handstitched to avoid using glue. We recommend the use of eco felt which is made from 100% recycled plastic bottles. See our supplies list for links to buy.​

Closing the loop (at home)

Even with the most economical of cutting, you’ll have some felt leftover which we encourage you to re-purpose. The internet abounds with suggestions - from furniture leg protectors to adorable pencil toppers - scraps of felt have so many uses. 

If you’re using more ephemeral decorations please make sure that they won’t pollute the landscape when roses are installed. Also consider decorating with upcycled and repurposed materials rather than buying new decorative items.

Closing the loop (big picture)

Our plan is for these roses to appear in multiple installations across several years. Afterward, roses will be distributed to donors and supporters, as well as being offered to museums and galleries for their permanent collection. If roses remain, we will deconstruct them and work with recycling experts to reuse or recycle the felt. 

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